THE LOST TAPES Vol.20: haiku edition

—a sneak peek of the next book. coming early Mars 

in all flowerbeds
gnawed leaves live as veterans
sordid invalids 


snob pieces of shit
playing lunar songs, drinking
off-key piano 


owls hiding in holes
no worm in sight all weekend
like real people


smiling Diana
knowing death is approaching
like Luna that night 


a stray coffee shop
in the middle of nowhere
extant vibration 


cute doggo-doggies
covered in scabs, dirty dogs
unending delight 


urban-life pyrates
cheerfully mocking others
along with the sea 


trick or treat, lady?
oh, sweetie, here you have it
poor people candy 


no showing your tits
to them punks with no future
understand? capeesh? 


an eerie school day
quiet kid got arrested for
touching private parts 




Miss Orndoff was cool
but hated the living shit
out of M. Warnock 


fucking dick fell off
jesus man what's the holdup?
he just ran away 


and when I came back
he was there, licking the mug
can't have shit 'round here 


typewriter, old-man
wrists are still intact somehow
flaming carpal strength 


tiny baby-flies
artificial white hot heat
to hell with you, lamp 


silk skin, smooth sailing
an expensive new sofa
trivial splendor 


how come the hero
with murderous tendencies
slay a thousand man? 


I've been so morbid
this past few days, clear down bad
sad future in mist


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