Visconde de Valmont... Sérgio Millet ou Carlos Drummond? O inteligentíssimo demônio da decepção, ou o bobo-da-corte a chafurdar na desordem?
Imagino se Laclos não foi claro o suficiente com a imagética de seu personagem para que em traduções tão semelhantes possam ser encontrados personagens tão diferentes portando do mesmo nome.
Comme Paris je suis berger,
Comme Vênus vous êtes belle;
Comme lui je viens de juger;
Voudrez-vous me payer comme elle?
Com 41 anos Choderlos de Laclos soltou seu livro como quem dá um tiro.
Boombox on his shoulders
Blasting this synth pop remix of a gospel song
Modern day cool kid from the hood enjoys life
— Oh, yeah, I’m 79, almost 80.
— So I’m younger than you, 89.
— You’re younger, huh?
— Oh, yes. Young and pumpin’, fiancée, marrying next month.
— You’re not married already?
— Oh, no, I’m a widow. Widow but not happy, though! — She exclaimed, chuckling.
Old man in the bus, fedora on his head, threadbare tuxedo on his body, singing lovely serenatas to all the ladies passing by in the aisle.
Today I had a couple of verses thrown at my direction, today I was someone’s linda senhorita, and was so flattered. Who would’ve thought, my pass certificate reaching me in such passionate manner.
I asked the old lady sitting next to me, delighting herself in that tired but majestic voice, if she knew who the boêmio was. My husband, she replied, isn’t he breathtaking?
Retired men
Walking women
All colors of this meaty rainbow
All instances of this cursed life
O rosto do malandro
Com o olho na janela
Vendo a patricinha passar à 60 por hora
Public library was closed
Pack of hobos marching in my direction
Don’t you Higgins Clark me, god!
Look at those tall, chic apartment buildings
Maybe one day I’ll live there
Maybe one day I’ll get a wife
Maybe one day I’ll adopt a little rascal or two
Maybe one day I’ll adopt a dog and a couple cats
Maybe one day we’ll all look out the window, in despise, to all the tiny miserable people down on the street
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