THE LOST TAPES Vol.48: weird dreams, weird friends
Today a passenger plane was taken down by its country’s air force
No one will be able to speak on the matter
Civilians roaming the immediate area are shot and killed by the jets
You know I’m crazy, it’s just a movie
It’s a dirty cover up
When did their technology become so advanced?
How are we so hopeless?
I watch the world collapse as I curl up and die
We’re all going to hell
brave the night
the night riders
on the lit window
a naked woman smokes
the engine growls
the blues cries
shedding no tears
two hollow chests
no desbravar da noite
cavaleiros soturnos
busto nu de mulher
o fumar na janela
o grunhido do motor
o choro do blues
não se derrama uma lágrima
são dois peitos ocos
Waiting, waiting, waiting
Waiting some more
What an asshole, making me wait
What an asshole, ignoring friends
What a bum this world of constant communication
Me, a mute stranger, isolated
no friozinho
cachacinha esquenta
a barriguinha
The duality of men
Cowardice and bravery
Double-love of past and present
The awful lack of an intermingle
Agony reigns as tension rises
Nervous little man living in a drama
Plotted novella of no twists
Two incredibly angry women
What do — we do — in such a time
As watchers to silent chaos in certain doom
Two listeners of crazed raving
Though unsympathetic to no gloom
Such a life we live in
Of such lackful reason
Eat, sing, fuck and die we must
Stoic to grief and creed
Hipocrisy at its finest
In a youth’s heart
Care too much, love too much
Decade-long, constant trauma
She's wearing new boots
The blonde lady, green eyes
So shine and propre
Hot orange sunflower
Hardened, shelled future
— New flower blooms, as orange as ever.
Uncanny architecture of emptiness
General inherent sadness
Gray capital, no love
We’re an individual collective
A million heads living the same problems
Eight million
people stinking of the same pollution
Breathing the same cold breeze in the morning
A family, a cult
composed of people and buildings,
stray dogs and cars
smoke and grime
Emptied out in the studio apartment
Laying on a dusty carpet
no bread, smoking midget
sirens scream outside
the brights shine through the curtains
in secret —society—
Cucumber sandwiches with too little pepper
Knife to the back, phone and wallet
Chill out, it's only for six months
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