THE LOST TAPES Vol.48: weird dreams, weird friends
[ENG/PT] Today a passenger plane was taken down by its country’s air force No one will be able to speak on the matter Civilians roaming the immediate area are shot and killed by the jets You know I’m crazy, it’s just a movie It’s a dirty cover up When did their technology become so advanced? How are we so hopeless? I watch the world collapse as I curl up and die We’re all going to hell *** brave the night the night riders on the lit window a naked woman smokes the engine growls the blues cries shedding no tears two hollow chests no desbravar da noite cavaleiros soturnos busto nu de mulher o fumar na janela o grunhido do motor o choro do blues não se derrama uma lágrima são dois peitos ocos *** Waiting, waiting, waiting Waiting some more What an asshole, making me wait What an asshole, ignoring friends What a bum this world of constant communication ...