a goofy portrait of us
“Todos os dias quando acordo, não tenho mais o tempo que passou. Não foi fácil, não é fácil.
Cuidem de vocês, não se diminuam, usufruam do tempo que ainda tem, seja sagrada(o) para você mesmo. Não dá para mudar o passado, mas dá para aprender com ele, extrair o melhor de tudo e aplicar no presente para construir o futuro.”
“Let the whore into your life
Let the bore encounter strife
May the devil cause no quarrel
As I revel in your peril”
and just like that I can say it’s over
look up to you, see you far away
give up all my hope
doesn’t make sense to want you anymore
rather belittle myself
and revel in a place/non-place of mess—
—of city next to you and neighbor
but not the same, as should be
me younger than you, you older than me
wiser, no doubt
hotter, no doubt
better, no doubt
living experiences of Jupiterian lavishness
traveling the whole country
kicking sugar daddies in the nuts
out there, drinking, partying
pepper-spraying motherfuckers
having your hymen destroyed every weekend
at home, drinking, smoking
being pretty for the cameras
living great, living life as gives
independent woman, no man
hates children, right?
“that’s why we shouldn’t get married”
no target of men, you target them
firearm prodigy
could shoot a ball sack from 30ft away
tiny foot in high heels
fishnet in legs
designer skirt
stomp my adam’s apple in
rip away this artifice
make me as little a bitch as you can
better, why not rub your clit?
wonder why I wasn’t fucking you
while you still had a boyfriend
you’re so lucky
even at your worse
but I’m still more a woman
[than you’ll ever be
an outcast of choice
can’t see no logic
bitch, you’re so beautiful
I hate you so much
I hate your faux touch
I love you so much
I miss you so much
your all orange self
sun of mine, high noon
will never see you again
you’ll never see the gift I bought you
but I will
once I dreamt of you
and me, and a big german shepherd
his name was the same as yours, but jr.
and then you left me (in dream)
single mother, wine mother
he grew up and killed himself
you killed our baby (in dream)
you killed my heart whole
and didn’t even spit in my mouth
you said “I wish I had a dick”
and I said “oh, really?”
but thought “what for?”
remember when you made me blush so hard
like everyday
and like that, took all my sense of justice?
it felt good at the time
but then I conjectured you
as my executioner
and now, I write my manifesto
as in means of hating you, finally
but it’s not your fault you’re a whore
Miluje you are
as in love itself
as in my beloved
as in you drunk as fuck
eating me with your eyes
“you know, I really am bissexual”
as in you stoned as fuck
out of this world
“you know, we should run away”
as in you naked on bed
crying after a beating
“I love you, don’t be afraid to ask for nudes”
Miluje, my love, love as, love
the third installment of goddess
the third true love that left me
you as three, and the third
you as complete absence of legality
you as the final say of the trinity
the first one at 6ft below
the second one at 6ft below
the third one at 4 hours on plane
dead the same
dead to me
you want to be dead
I’m just “past” now, right?
I’m just something that happened
not an integral part of you(r life)
I.U.D. not S.I.S.
highschool dropout
living trife
“too busy to care for you
too busy to care for you(r matters)
too busy to care for you(r feelings)”
you left me, it didn’t work out by text
I came to you, it didn’t work out in real life
so I said I was sorry, you told me to lay off
me, lay off, me, who was your all
me, who loved you more than anything
me, who you loved more than anything
me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me
me eight, as in Saturn
I made you, Jupiter
the doom and gloom, me
accepted destiny, crucify me
with your great-sword, impale me
do me like god to lucifer
do me like I deserve
as the stupid fucking whore I am
drinking by myself
partying with the dead
giggling at the grotesque
I’ll kiss the dirt from the cadaver’s lips
if you promise me, but for real
to take me on a date, for real
in fact, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you
“there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you”
you said to me once, you
so I asked “would you kill someone with me?”
and you said “there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you”
and you threw me into the river and I caught a cold
it was winter, almost done, by spring
you told me I could cry, wasn’t bothering
we both under a couple xans
you were so beautiful, we were walking
always stopping, you wanted to hug me again
like it was the last time, and it was
you took the bus, I watched you go
face made of stone, heart made of stone
but under the shower I cried for days
poor me, you
that you helped ruin
both of us, ruined
and you did find your calling as a party-stopper
dressed fancy, 10 bucks a pint
not letting me chug this bottle of life
but what do I know?
I’m nothing, less than nothing
Undeserving, won’t beg your pardon
hand always writing, stop the voices
amp is broken, play anyway
play for beer at the hipster bar
pay for pleasure at the liquor store
stone-cold drunk, piss drunk
pissing on somebody’s porch
I’m limping now, the cut is not healing
sutured the muscle, hurt like hell
sutured the back so I don’t undo myself
[when picking something up from the ground
I did find someone else after all
you were lying
you never stabbed me with a stiletto
you never stabbed yourself with a rusty switchblade
you never took a bite
I never saw your bloody mouth chewing my jugular
on the day you encounter me again
I’ll be someone other entirely
you won’t know me, but I’ll know you
you’ll loathe me, I’ll love you
you’ll say “let me see your scars again”
then make a face and say “I love them”
you still love me
you once understood me
is that why you don’t want me anymore?
“I don’t care ‘bout how you look on the outside
is the inside that matters”
“but it’s rotten”, I thought to myself
“trust me, I know you well, I know the struggle
I can help you be anything you want to be”
“why?”, I thought to myself
“you deserve to be loved, and I love loving you
but first, before anything else
you have to love yourself. only then I’ll come back”
what I thought to myself after that
can’t be put into words
it was just a mess
I was just a mess, still just a mess
and you’re perfect
young and beautiful, always so sunny
it’s your birthday, happy birthday
see, I still see you when destiny puts you
[in front of me
I’m not that gone after all
this thing I just wrote
it’s my gift to you
happy birthday
hope you like it
this goofy portrait of our history together
like you and me, goofy, like once was
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